Green Mountain EF! to Host Round River Rendezvous
March 15th, 2015 by smilaxfrom Green Mountain Earth First!
Have you ever dreamt of finding yourself curled in a hardwood copse full of glacial erratics, beneath maple and ash leaves, listening to the inquiring twitter of the oven bird and the soul stirring and strangely nostalgic harmony of the hermit thrush’s song? Or jumping into a deep, green, glacial kettle pond? Or sharing stories of encounters with the wild, of nearly averted disasters, and your hearts deepest desires of freedom and insurrection around a fire with comrades? Well then this is your chance! If you have never been to a RRR before, then know that you are in for a real adventure! They generally consist of a week of workshops, trainings, storytelling, music and poetry. There are opportunities to hear updates on campaigns and struggles from all over the continent, time to connect with lots of amazing folks during the week, and bond during the post-Rondy action (keep yr eyes out for a public action callout).
The 2015 Earth First! Round River Rendezvous, hosted by Green Mountain Earth First!, will be held on occupied Abenaki land in so-called Vermont, *July 1-8*. The ancestors of today’s Abenaki are the original inhabitants of what is now Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and Southern Quebec. The word Abenaki is derived from Wobanakik, which means “dawn land” or “eastern land.
Many of the people organizing this summer’s gathering are currently involved in a campaign to stop a fracked gas pipeline under Lake Champlain – the largest body of water in VT (and also home to beluga whales!)
The process of collective liberation has been a challenging part of the last several EF! gatherings. The intention for this RRR is to firmly root our work together in growing truly intersectional movements. We are excited to continue to address questions of how to build from past conversations.
We recognize that the same violence that permeates our relationships with the Earth permeates our relationships with each other and ourselves. Eco-liberation = Biocentrism + Deep Ecology + Anti-Oppression + Solidarity! We cannot confront the forces destroying the earth without confronting the systems of power destroying subsistence cultures and exploiting people of color and other oppressed groups around the planet.
What are the ways that we can heal ourselves and continue working together in solidarity while dismantling systems of oppression?
We are excited to extend an invitation to learn from, lend our strength to, and deepen the ties of solidarity and love for the collective future we are dreaming into being.
Check for updates and directions! Please contact us at <> with any workshop proposals, questions, etc!